Rachel Corrie in Memoriam
Two years ago today, Rachel Corrie, a 23-year old American volunteer with the
International Solidarity Movement, was crushed to death by an Israeli Defence
Force bulldozer as she sought to prevent it from demolishing the home of a
Palestinian doctor. Her family's efforts to find justice have so far been
unsucessful, and her story now all but forgotten by the mainstream media.
To honour her memory, please take a moment to read the writings of, and about,
this woman who died for her conviction that we all have a responsibility to
stop preventable injustices, and who thought her body and her passport would be
enough to stop a man in a bulldozer from going forward.
Rachel Corrie Memorial
Rachel's letters home (which were published in both the Guardian and the Globe and Mail):
The International Solidarity Movement
Background on Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict